My Plans for NaNoWriMo This Year

Throughout the month of October, I’ll be posting a few blogs about National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), which is in November. As I had such a positive experience last year, I’ll be talking about why I recommend it and how to survive it. #WhyNaNo

Now that I’ve talked about why you should do NaNoWriMo and how to survive it, what are my personal plans for NaNoWriMo this November?

Before I answer that, let’s take a moment to examine what’s led up to now in the past year.

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6 Tips for Surviving NaNoWriMo

Throughout the month of October, I’ll be posting a few blogs about National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), which is in November. As I had such a positive experience last year, I’ll be talking about why I recommend it and how to survive it. #WhyNaNo

The main way to survive NaNoWriMo is to just keep writing. NaNoWriMo’s point is to produce a first draft, not a brilliant masterpiece. Sit down and write, every day, and fifty thousand words or not, you’ll be somewhere you weren’t a month before. Aside “just keep writing,” here are six tips for staying on track.

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5 Reasons to Participate in NaNoWriMo

Throughout the month of October, I’ll be posting a few blogs about National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), which is in November. As I had such a positive experience last year, I’ll be talking about why I recommend it and how to survive it. #WhyNaNo

1. Seriously, why not?

NaNoWriMo!This question propelled me into NaNo last year. In college, I said that I would write a book before I turned 25. As that birthday approached, I realized I had done nothing to try to obtain that goal. NaNo seemed like as good a way as any to write a novel.

And honestly, it’s just 30 days. That’s what I told myself. If this goes horribly wrong and I hate it, what have I lost? A few evenings and weekends in one month? I figured that was a small price to pay to see if I could accomplish something I’d always wanted to try.

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